Whether you require a dozer, grader, or the hire of other heavy machinery, GBB have a range of reliable equipment options to suit your specific requirements. We offer machinery either dry or wet hire, and can provide prompt delivery to your work site in South East QLD and beyond to ensure jobs can be completed without delay. Contact us on 0429 613 471 to discuss hire options.
Dozers, Graders, Loaders & Other Reliable Machines Available For Hire

GBB International provide effective heavy haulage solutions through our partnered company BAT Haulage Pty Ltd for the transportation of your heavy machinery throughout South East QLD. We pride ourselves on smooth, timely deliveries; ensuring your load is being carried legally with the correct permits in place and pilots are appointed where necessary. Call us for a free heavy haulage quote today. Ph: 0429 613 471.

Contact us today for a free quote on Heavy Machinery Haulage or Hire
Ph: 0429 613 471 or contact us below